Fee-For-Service Physical Therapy for your Optimal care
Understanding your healthcare options can be challenging. Understanding insurance is even MORE challenging. When discussing with individuals about benefits/coverage/etc. it is hard for us all to keep the important things straight and not get caught up in the rest. The most important piece to keep in mind, in my eyes, is making sure people are getting high quality care in an efficient manner for a realistic cost.
The one item the infographic doesn’t touch on but I believe is HIGHLY important is deductibles. Insurance deductibles are in place for you to meet and pay a pre-determined amount of money to then receive full or almost full coverage for healthcare services above that amount paid. What this means is, you are paying towards your deductible whether you see an in-network vs. out-of-network provider (MD, DPT, DO, etc.) no matter what until you meet your deductible! Now, each insurance plan may have different deductibles as well (in-network deductible, out-of-network deductible, or combining the two for one whole deductible) so it is certainly worth looking into to gain clarity for your specific plan. The main point is, if you NEVER meet your deductible in a given year, I implore you to consider your options more strongly for healthcare providers as you will be paying the bill no matter who you are seeing.
Moral of the story:
Out-of-network doesn’t mean more expensive! Consider the quality of care you desire and deserve, the cost for that care, and how much you value your health. I will guarantee that your health is quite valuable to you. Make sure to treat it as such!
Hopefully this makes things less confusing. Have questions still? Email me or call me and I would be happy to outline further. Let’s get to work and eliminate your pain and limitations!