Sit ups…during pregnancy?
Picture this: you wake up out of a deep sleep to your newborn baby crying, you rush to check on them to ensure everything is okay. Now ask yourself, did you roll to your side to get out of bed or did you sit straight up?
Likely in the heat of the moment, you sat straight up. The advice provided to new moms about rolling to their side before sitting up may help ease discomfort, but isn’t always realistic in a hurry.
So how do you prepare for that?
Sit ups!
The act of getting out of bed is exactly that, a sit up.
We want to make sure that ALL of your abdominal muscles are strong. We want to train your transverse abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques and rectus abdominis. This way, when baby comes you’re ready to get out of bed in a hurry when they need you.
Are you worried about the separation between your abdominal muscles?
That’s okay. However, did you know 100% of pregnancies require your abdominal muscles to separate in order for baby to grow? It is necessary that it happens! There are lots of ways to modify an exercise if you are uncomfortable performing it.
Need help learning how to modify or strengthen all of your abdominal muscles while baby is growing? Book an appointment here